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  • Sharjah Municipality Launches Online Sewerage Information Request Service
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  • l Dhaid Municipality to Introduce Paid Public Parking from January 1, 2025, in Collaboration with Sharjah Municipality
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  • Sharjah Municipality Awarded National Standard Certificate for Business Continuity Management System
  • Sharjah Municipality Launches the First-of-its-Kind Smart Testing System in the UAE at GITEX
  • Sharjah Municipality Announces Extension of Paid Parking Hours to Midnight in Certain Areas
  • Sharjah Municipality Wins Best Project Award at Sharjah Government Pavilion in GITEX
  • Sharjah Municipality Launches Two Key Projects to Provide Irrigation Water for Agricultural Initiatives


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Health form service
  • Service Description
    • Health fitness certificate:
      The Health fitness certificate is a pre-requirement to complete the visa procedures in the UAE, whether for a new visa or renewal, to ensure the applicant is free and clear from any diseases that may pose danger on public health.
  • Service Execution Steps

      New certificate:


      All applicants who are on personal sponsorship, and those who are not required, in order to complete visa procedures, to obtain a labour card (e.g., housewives and the like, domestic servants and the like, investors, partners, government employees and the like).




      All applicants who are not requested, in order to complete visa procedures, to obtain a health fitness certificate (e.g., workmen who do not deal with food, or work in salons, health centres, hotels, private schools or any other business subject to monitoring by the municipality’s inspectors).
       - Enter the required details.



  • After Service Steps
    • ​- Print the health certificate application
      - Send the application via email.
      - Visit the Health Clinic Building in Al Nasiriya area.
      - 200 Dhs for normal service.
      - 200 dhs for rapid service, with no waiting time (optional).
      - 200 dhs for urgent test results (within 3-4 hours) – optional.

  • Support Documents
  • Terms & Conditions
    • Print

      Required documents:
      1)  Copy of valid passport.
      2)  Copy of valid residence visa.
      3) Recent personal photo.
      4) Copy of trade license, if any.
      5) Copy of sponsor’s passport along with visa, if any.
      6) Copy of health card of the MOH, or an insurance card ratified by the MOH.
      7)  Copy of Emirates ID Card or copy of the printed ID application.

      1) The customer has to enter the details correctly and accurately, before the payment of fees, as any alteration in the documents leads to cancellation of the transaction.
      2)  A worker practicing a profession that requires an occupational health card, has to renew such card at the municipality.
Health form service خدمة الاستمارة الصحية
Terms and Conditions الشروط والأحكام

Required documents:
1)  Copy of valid passport.
2)  Copy of valid residence visa.
3) Recent personal photo.
4) Copy of trade license, if any.
5) Copy of sponsor’s passport along with visa, if any.
6) Copy of health card of the MOH, or an insurance card ratified by the MOH.
7)  Copy of Emirates ID Card or copy of the printed ID application.

1) The customer has to enter the details correctly and accurately, before the payment of fees, as any alteration in the documents leads to cancellation of the transaction.
2)  A worker practicing a profession that requires an occupational health card, has to renew such card at the municipality.

المستندات المطلوبة:
1) صورة من جواز السفر سارية المفعول.
2) صورة من الإقامة سارية المفعول.
3) صورة شخصية جديدة.
4) صورة من الرخصة التجارية. (إن وجدت).
5) صورة من جواز سفر الكفيل مع صورة من الإقامة. (إن وجدت).
6) صورة من البطاقة الصحية التابعة لوزارة الصحة أو صورة من بطاقة التأمين مصدقة من وزارة الصحة.
7) صورة من بطاقة الهوية أو صورة من المعاملة المطبوعة لبطاقة الهوية.
ومـن الشـروط:
1) يجب على العميل تسجيل المعلومات الدقيقة والصحيحة في كتابة المعاملة لأن أي تغيير في المستندات يؤدي إلى إلغاء المعاملة.
2) والعميل الذي يعمل في مهنة تحتاج بطاقة صحة مهنية عليه التوجه إلى البلدية لتجديدها .​
