News Updates
  • Sharjah Municipality Launches Online Sewerage Information Request Service
  • Sharjah Municipal Council and Municipality Honour Former Rental Disputes Committee Members
  • Committee on Agricultural Violations Intensifies Oversight to Ensure Proper Use of Farms
  • l Dhaid Municipality to Introduce Paid Public Parking from January 1, 2025, in Collaboration with Sharjah Municipality
  • SCM Explores Latest Advances in Animal Disease Studies and Technologies at Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Conference
  • Sharjah Municipality Awarded National Standard Certificate for Business Continuity Management System
  • Sharjah Municipality Launches the First-of-its-Kind Smart Testing System in the UAE at GITEX
  • Sharjah Municipality Announces Extension of Paid Parking Hours to Midnight in Certain Areas
  • Sharjah Municipality Wins Best Project Award at Sharjah Government Pavilion in GITEX
  • Sharjah Municipality Launches Two Key Projects to Provide Irrigation Water for Agricultural Initiatives


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  • Supply and installation light work for celebration of Ramadan and EID AL-FITR /2018 -inside Sharjah city
    • Tender Number Q/41/2018
      Project Number Q/41/2018
      Tender Start Date April 3, 2018
      Tender End Date April 11, 2018
      Tender Attachment File
      Tender Time 12 PM
      Tender Amount 0
      Tender Contact Info Tel:06-5162377 Fax:06-5162316
      Tender General Condition
      1. All companies, organizations and suppliers who wish to participate in a project tender must collect the tender's documents from Contracts and Purchase Department, Sharjah Municipality – Al Manak Area – during working hours.
      2. Participants should pay an un-refundable fee for purchasing the tender documents.
      3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelop with no designation whatsoever to the company name and it must be titled ONLY with tender name and number.
      4. Participant should include irrevocable unconditional bank guarantee which should be equal to (5%) of the tender value. This guarantee should be valid for (120 days) starting from the opening date and will be automatically renewed for additional (60 days).
      5. All tenders value should be valid for (90 days) and can be extended for (30 days) more.
      6. Last day for accepting the tender documents will be similar to the closing date of the tender at 12:00 pm.
      7. Contractors/ Suppliers should register in the Municipality Suppliers Records controlled by Contracts and Purchase Department. Please contact 06/5162289.
      8. Municipality has the right to accept or reject any quotations without giving any reasons or further details.
  • Supply and install of lighting poles for Alzuber & Alnukelat parks at sharjah city
    • Tender Number Q/36/2018
      Project Number Q/36/2018
      Tender Start Date March 15, 2018
      Tender End Date April 4, 2018
      Tender Attachment File
      Tender Time 12 PM
      Tender Amount 0
      Tender Contact Info Tel:06-5162377 Fax:06-5162316
      Tender General Condition
      1. All companies, organizations and suppliers who wish to participate in a project tender must collect the tender's documents from Contracts and Purchase Department, Sharjah Municipality – Al Manak Area – during working hours.
      2. Participants should pay an un-refundable fee for purchasing the tender documents.
      3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelop with no designation whatsoever to the company name and it must be titled ONLY with tender name and number.
      4. Participant should include irrevocable unconditional bank guarantee which should be equal to (5%) of the tender value. This guarantee should be valid for (120 days) starting from the opening date and will be automatically renewed for additional (60 days).
      5. All tenders value should be valid for (90 days) and can be extended for (30 days) more.
      6. Last day for accepting the tender documents will be similar to the closing date of the tender at 12:00 pm.
      7. Contractors/ Suppliers should register in the Municipality Suppliers Records controlled by Contracts and Purchase Department. Please contact 06/5162289.
      8. Municipality has the right to accept or reject any quotations without giving any reasons or further details.
  • Supply and installation of glass partitions for the offices of the Department of Building Permits
    • Tender Number Q/34/2018
      Project Number Q/34/2018
      Tender Start Date March 15, 2018
      Tender End Date March 28, 2018
      Tender Attachment File
      Tender Time 12 PM
      Tender Amount 0
      Tender Contact Info Tel:06-5162377 Fax:06-5162316
      Tender General Condition
      1. All companies, organizations and suppliers who wish to participate in a project tender must collect the tender's documents from Contracts and Purchase Department, Sharjah Municipality – Al Manak Area – during working hours.
      2. Participants should pay an un-refundable fee for purchasing the tender documents.
      3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelop with no designation whatsoever to the company name and it must be titled ONLY with tender name and number.
      4. Participant should include irrevocable unconditional bank guarantee which should be equal to (5%) of the tender value. This guarantee should be valid for (120 days) starting from the opening date and will be automatically renewed for additional (60 days).
      5. All tenders value should be valid for (90 days) and can be extended for (30 days) more.
      6. Last day for accepting the tender documents will be similar to the closing date of the tender at 12:00 pm.
      7. Contractors/ Suppliers should register in the Municipality Suppliers Records controlled by Contracts and Purchase Department. Please contact 06/5162289.
      8. Municipality has the right to accept or reject any quotations without giving any reasons or further details.
  • Manage Services for Microsoft Infrastructure
    • Tender Number Q/35/2018
      Project Number Q/35/2018
      Tender Start Date March 15, 2018
      Tender End Date April 4, 2018
      Tender Attachment File
      Tender Time 12 PM
      Tender Amount 0
      Tender Contact Info Tel:06-5162377 Fax:06-5162316
      Tender General Condition
      1. All companies, organizations and suppliers who wish to participate in a project tender must collect the tender's documents from Contracts and Purchase Department, Sharjah Municipality – Al Manak Area – during working hours.
      2. Participants should pay an un-refundable fee for purchasing the tender documents.
      3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelop with no designation whatsoever to the company name and it must be titled ONLY with tender name and number.
      4. Participant should include irrevocable unconditional bank guarantee which should be equal to (5%) of the tender value. This guarantee should be valid for (120 days) starting from the opening date and will be automatically renewed for additional (60 days).
      5. All tenders value should be valid for (90 days) and can be extended for (30 days) more.
      6. Last day for accepting the tender documents will be similar to the closing date of the tender at 12:00 pm.
      7. Contractors/ Suppliers should register in the Municipality Suppliers Records controlled by Contracts and Purchase Department. Please contact 06/5162289.
      8. Municipality has the right to accept or reject any quotations without giving any reasons or further details.
  • Work to deepen of (1) water well in front of the Sharjah Museum for old Cars on Al Dhaid Street
    • Tender Number Q/33/2018
      Project Number Q/33/2018
      Tender Start Date March 14, 2018
      Tender End Date March 21, 2018
      Tender Attachment File
      Tender Time 12 PM
      Tender Amount 0
      Tender Contact Info Tel:06-5162377 Fax:06-5162316
      Tender General Condition
      1. All companies, organizations and suppliers who wish to participate in a project tender must collect the tender's documents from Contracts and Purchase Department, Sharjah Municipality – Al Manak Area – during working hours.
      2. Participants should pay an un-refundable fee for purchasing the tender documents.
      3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelop with no designation whatsoever to the company name and it must be titled ONLY with tender name and number.
      4. Participant should include irrevocable unconditional bank guarantee which should be equal to (5%) of the tender value. This guarantee should be valid for (120 days) starting from the opening date and will be automatically renewed for additional (60 days).
      5. All tenders value should be valid for (90 days) and can be extended for (30 days) more.
      6. Last day for accepting the tender documents will be similar to the closing date of the tender at 12:00 pm.
      7. Contractors/ Suppliers should register in the Municipality Suppliers Records controlled by Contracts and Purchase Department. Please contact 06/5162289.
      8. Municipality has the right to accept or reject any quotations without giving any reasons or further details.
  • Drilling works (2) water wells in the new bridge on Al-Dhaid Street and leading to Sharjah international airport
    • Tender Number Q/32/2018
      Project Number Q/32/2018
      Tender Start Date March 14, 2018
      Tender End Date March 21, 2018
      Tender Attachment File
      Tender Time 12 PM
      Tender Amount 0
      Tender Contact Info Tel:06-5162377 Fax:06-5162316
      Tender General Condition
      1. All companies, organizations and suppliers who wish to participate in a project tender must collect the tender's documents from Contracts and Purchase Department, Sharjah Municipality – Al Manak Area – during working hours.
      2. Participants should pay an un-refundable fee for purchasing the tender documents.
      3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelop with no designation whatsoever to the company name and it must be titled ONLY with tender name and number.
      4. Participant should include irrevocable unconditional bank guarantee which should be equal to (5%) of the tender value. This guarantee should be valid for (120 days) starting from the opening date and will be automatically renewed for additional (60 days).
      5. All tenders value should be valid for (90 days) and can be extended for (30 days) more.
      6. Last day for accepting the tender documents will be similar to the closing date of the tender at 12:00 pm.
      7. Contractors/ Suppliers should register in the Municipality Suppliers Records controlled by Contracts and Purchase Department. Please contact 06/5162289.
      8. Municipality has the right to accept or reject any quotations without giving any reasons or further details.
  • Supply of Hollow &Solid block for Drainage department at industrial area 5
    • Tender Number Q/30/2018
      Project Number Q/30/2018
      Tender Start Date March 13, 2018
      Tender End Date March 21, 2018
      Tender Attachment File
      Tender Time 12 PM
      Tender Amount 0
      Tender Contact Info Tel:06-5162377 Fax:06-5162316
      Tender General Condition
      1. All companies, organizations and suppliers who wish to participate in a project tender must collect the tender's documents from Contracts and Purchase Department, Sharjah Municipality – Al Manak Area – during working hours.
      2. Participants should pay an un-refundable fee for purchasing the tender documents.
      3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelop with no designation whatsoever to the company name and it must be titled ONLY with tender name and number.
      4. Participant should include irrevocable unconditional bank guarantee which should be equal to (5%) of the tender value. This guarantee should be valid for (120 days) starting from the opening date and will be automatically renewed for additional (60 days).
      5. All tenders value should be valid for (90 days) and can be extended for (30 days) more.
      6. Last day for accepting the tender documents will be similar to the closing date of the tender at 12:00 pm.
      7. Contractors/ Suppliers should register in the Municipality Suppliers Records controlled by Contracts and Purchase Department. Please contact 06/5162289.
      8. Municipality has the right to accept or reject any quotations without giving any reasons or further details.
  • Supply of Normal &SRC cement for drainage department at indurtrial area5
    • Tender Number Q/32/2018
      Project Number Q/32/2018
      Tender Start Date March 13, 2018
      Tender End Date March 21, 2018
      Tender Attachment File
      Tender Time 12 PM
      Tender Amount 0
      Tender Contact Info Tel:06-5162377 Fax:06-5162316
      Tender General Condition
      1. All companies, organizations and suppliers who wish to participate in a project tender must collect the tender's documents from Contracts and Purchase Department, Sharjah Municipality – Al Manak Area – during working hours.
      2. Participants should pay an un-refundable fee for purchasing the tender documents.
      3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelop with no designation whatsoever to the company name and it must be titled ONLY with tender name and number.
      4. Participant should include irrevocable unconditional bank guarantee which should be equal to (5%) of the tender value. This guarantee should be valid for (120 days) starting from the opening date and will be automatically renewed for additional (60 days).
      5. All tenders value should be valid for (90 days) and can be extended for (30 days) more.
      6. Last day for accepting the tender documents will be similar to the closing date of the tender at 12:00 pm.
      7. Contractors/ Suppliers should register in the Municipality Suppliers Records controlled by Contracts and Purchase Department. Please contact 06/5162289.
      8. Municipality has the right to accept or reject any quotations without giving any reasons or further details.
  • Supply of Sand &Gravel for drainage Department at industrial area 5
    • Tender Number Q/31/2018
      Project Number Q/31/2018
      Tender Start Date March 13, 2018
      Tender End Date March 21, 2018
      Tender Attachment File
      Tender Time 12 PM
      Tender Amount 0
      Tender Contact Info Tel:06-5162377 Fax:06-5162316
      Tender General Condition
      1. All companies, organizations and suppliers who wish to participate in a project tender must collect the tender's documents from Contracts and Purchase Department, Sharjah Municipality – Al Manak Area – during working hours.
      2. Participants should pay an un-refundable fee for purchasing the tender documents.
      3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelop with no designation whatsoever to the company name and it must be titled ONLY with tender name and number.
      4. Participant should include irrevocable unconditional bank guarantee which should be equal to (5%) of the tender value. This guarantee should be valid for (120 days) starting from the opening date and will be automatically renewed for additional (60 days).
      5. All tenders value should be valid for (90 days) and can be extended for (30 days) more.
      6. Last day for accepting the tender documents will be similar to the closing date of the tender at 12:00 pm.
      7. Contractors/ Suppliers should register in the Municipality Suppliers Records controlled by Contracts and Purchase Department. Please contact 06/5162289.
      8. Municipality has the right to accept or reject any quotations without giving any reasons or further details.
  • Processing of poultry slaughterhouse fully in Jubail area
    • Tender Number Q/29/2018
      Project Number Q/29/2018
      Tender Start Date March 11, 2018
      Tender End Date March 21, 2018
      Tender Attachment File
      Tender Time 12 PM
      Tender Amount 0
      Tender Contact Info Tel:06-5162377 Fax:06-5162316
      Tender General Condition
      1. All companies, organizations and suppliers who wish to participate in a project tender must collect the tender's documents from Contracts and Purchase Department, Sharjah Municipality – Al Manak Area – during working hours.
      2. Participants should pay an un-refundable fee for purchasing the tender documents.
      3. Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelop with no designation whatsoever to the company name and it must be titled ONLY with tender name and number.
      4. Participant should include irrevocable unconditional bank guarantee which should be equal to (5%) of the tender value. This guarantee should be valid for (120 days) starting from the opening date and will be automatically renewed for additional (60 days).
      5. All tenders value should be valid for (90 days) and can be extended for (30 days) more.
      6. Last day for accepting the tender documents will be similar to the closing date of the tender at 12:00 pm.
      7. Contractors/ Suppliers should register in the Municipality Suppliers Records controlled by Contracts and Purchase Department. Please contact 06/5162289.
      8. Municipality has the right to accept or reject any quotations without giving any reasons or further details.
