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  • l Dhaid Municipality to Introduce Paid Public Parking from January 1, 2025, in Collaboration with Sharjah Municipality
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Request a fence permit, a temporary service certificate, a Sign board, and a tower crane
  • Service Description
    • Issuance of permit of temporary fence for construction sites, and a certificate for connecting utilities temporarily for building purposes.
  • Service Execution Steps
    • - Filling out the required details.
      - Accepting the undertaking and provisions.
       Submitting a sketch of the proposed temporary fence (JPG / JPEG).
      - Payment of fees.
      - Electronic issuance of temporary fence permit, and certificate of temporary connection of utilities.

      For more information about this request, please contact Engineering Department: 06 5160 202

  • After Service Steps
    • ​- Transfer the case to the inspector in charge for the follow-up.

  • Support Documents
      • تعهد حمام
  • Terms & Conditions
    • Print
      - Transaction shall be submitted by the Consultant  or the Contractor.
      - Building permit shall be valid.
      • No outstanding violations against the Contractor  and the Consultant
      • No outstanding violations on the plot,
      • Contractor’s and Consultant’s license shall be valid,
      • Validity of residential building permit is one year; while for other types of constructions is six months.
      - Distance between the fence and plot borders shall not exceed 3m.
      - Temporary fence in commercial and industrial areas and on main roads in the residential areas shall be made of aluminum.
      - Height of temporary fence shall not be less than 180cm.
      - Height of temporary fence above the ground shall not exceed 5cm.
      - Distance between fence sheets shall not exceed 2.5cm.
      - Writing and drawing on the temporary fence are not taken only after obtaining a permit from the Department of Corporate Communications.
      - The thickness of the temporary fence at least   6 mm.
      Documents required to obtain before starting work, and submitted to the Engineering, and keep copy of them in the site for submission upon request during inspection:
      1) Copy of proof of delivery of building demarcations.
      2. Permit for sign board and writing and drawing on the temporary fence.
      3) Approval of the Roads and Transport Authority, in case there is a prefabricated structure and/or fence on the pavement or asphalt road, Or in the case of the distance between the boundary of asphalt and limited of  the land less than ten meters.
      4) Approval of the Public Parking Department.
      5) Groundwater withdrawal Permit  (in case there is groundwater)  issued from Drainage department and Engineering department.
      6) Ratified tenancy contract of neighboring vacant plots (in the event of fencing neighboring vacant plots).
      7) Undertaking to provide temporary bathrooms at the site under construction.​
Request a fence permit, a temporary service certificate, a Sign board, and a tower crane طلب تصريح سياج و شهادة توصيل خدمات مؤقته و لوحة إعلانية و رافعة برجية
Terms and Conditions الشروط والأحكام
- Transaction shall be submitted by the Consultant  or the Contractor.
- Building permit shall be valid.
• No outstanding violations against the Contractor  and the Consultant
• No outstanding violations on the plot,
• Contractor’s and Consultant’s license shall be valid,
• Validity of residential building permit is one year; while for other types of constructions is six months.
- Distance between the fence and plot borders shall not exceed 3m.
- Temporary fence in commercial and industrial areas and on main roads in the residential areas shall be made of aluminum.
- Height of temporary fence shall not be less than 180cm.
- Height of temporary fence above the ground shall not exceed 5cm.
- Distance between fence sheets shall not exceed 2.5cm.
- Writing and drawing on the temporary fence are not taken only after obtaining a permit from the Department of Corporate Communications.
- The thickness of the temporary fence at least   6 mm.
Documents required to obtain before starting work, and submitted to the Engineering, and keep copy of them in the site for submission upon request during inspection:
1) Copy of proof of delivery of building demarcations.
2. Permit for sign board and writing and drawing on the temporary fence.
3) Approval of the Roads and Transport Authority, in case there is a prefabricated structure and/or fence on the pavement or asphalt road, Or in the case of the distance between the boundary of asphalt and limited of  the land less than ten meters.
4) Approval of the Public Parking Department.
5) Groundwater withdrawal Permit  (in case there is groundwater)  issued from Drainage department and Engineering department.
6) Ratified tenancy contract of neighboring vacant plots (in the event of fencing neighboring vacant plots).
7) Undertaking to provide temporary bathrooms at the site under construction.​
- ادخال المعاملة عن طريق الاستشاري او المقاول.
- إجازة البناء  صالحة ( لا يوجد مخالفات على المقاول  و الاستشاري – لا يوجد مخالفات على قطعة الارض – رخصة المقاول و الاستشاري سارية المفعول – صلاحية اجازة البناء سنة بالنسبة لنوع البناء سكنى, و ستة أشهر بالنسبة للانواع الاخرى).
- لايتعدى بعد السياج 3,00 امتار من حدود الارض جهة الطرق الرملية ، والأراضي الفضاء المجاورة.
- السياج المؤقت بالمناطق التجارية والصناعية والشوارع الرئيسية بالمناطق السكنية يجب ان يكون من الالمنيوم .
- ارتفاع السياج المؤقت لايقل عن (180) سم.
- إرتفاع  السياج المؤقت عن الارض لايتعدى (5) سم .
- المسافات بين الواح السياج المؤقت لاتزيد عن (2,5) سم.
- الكتابة والرسم على السياج المؤقت لايتم إلا بعد اخذ تصريح من إدارة الاتصال المؤسسى.
- سمك السياج المؤقت لايقل عن 6 مم .
الوثائق المطلوب الحصول عليها قبل بدأ العمل, و تقديمها إلى إدارة الهندسة, و الاحتفاظ بنسخة منها بالموقع لتقديمها عند الطلب اثناء التفتيش:
1) صورة تسليم العلائم.
2) تصريح اللوحة الإعلانية - تصريح الكتابة والرسم على السياج المؤقت.
3) موافقة هيئة الطرق و المواصلات في حال وضع الشينكو على الرصيف او على الاسفلت أو فى حال  المسافة بين حد الاسفلت وحد قطعة الارض  اقل من عشرة امتار .
4) موافقة ادارة المواقف العامة.
5) تصريح سحب المياه الجوفية ( فى حال وجوده) من إدارة الصرف الصحى وقسم التفتيش والمتابعة بإدارة الهندسة.
6) عقد إيجار مصدق للأراضي الفضاء المجاورة (فى حال إحاطة اراضى فضاء مجاورة بسياج).
7) تعهد بتوفير حمامات مؤقتة بالموقع قيد الانشاء.
