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Request RCC Building Permit
  • Service Description
    • A service that allows engineering consulting offices to submit a request for RCC building permit for new projects, additions, and initial building permits, and to renew previously issued building permits and change their data. It also enables them to follow the status of the request, edit the request, receive notes from building permit dep. to correct the submitted documents, and receive the approved Building Permit Certificate.
  • Service Execution Steps

    • Service Channel:
      Sharjah City Municipality website / Our electronic and smart services / Building Permits Administration Services / Request RCC Building Permit.
      Service delivery times:  (24 hours, seven days a week).
      Service delivery procedure:
      Log in to the service using the user account (an engineering consultancy office accredited by the Sharjah Municipality).
      Enter all required data into the system.
      Attach all required documents to the system.
      Agree to the terms and conditions.

  • After Service Steps

    • After submitting the application, the consultant must follow up on the status of the application through the user account on the website of the Sharjah City Municipality
      The Building Permits Services Section checks the required documents. If there are missing documents, the application will be rejected and the application will be returned via the system to the user's account (consultant).
      Once the documents are completed, the approved Building Permit Certificate will be sent over the system to the user's account (consultant).

  • Support Documents
      • Unified Contract
  • Terms & Conditions
    • Print

      General Terms and Conditions for the Acceptance of the Electronic Service:
      1) The information entered is correct.
      2) The obligation to inform the owner of the standard contract form issued by the Sharjah City Municipality.
      3) Commitment to all requirements of the UAE elevator control system, if any.
      4) Commitment to hand over all original guarantees issued by suppliers regarding the materials used in the project to the owner.
      5) Ensuring all kinds of insulation works through supervision and follow-up.
      I, as the provider of the transaction (Engineering Consulting Office), acknowledge my full responsibility for fulfilling the condition mentioned above and that I bear all the consequences decided by the municipality in case of violation.​

Request RCC Building Permit طلب اجازة بناء مسلح
Terms and Conditions الشروط والأحكام

General Terms and Conditions for the Acceptance of the Electronic Service:
1) The information entered is correct.
2) The obligation to inform the owner of the standard contract form issued by the Sharjah City Municipality.
3) Commitment to all requirements of the UAE elevator control system, if any.
4) Commitment to hand over all original guarantees issued by suppliers regarding the materials used in the project to the owner.
5) Ensuring all kinds of insulation works through supervision and follow-up.
I, as the provider of the transaction (Engineering Consulting Office), acknowledge my full responsibility for fulfilling the condition mentioned above and that I bear all the consequences decided by the municipality in case of violation.​

الضوابط التي تحكم قبول المعاملة إلكترونيا:
1) صحة المعلومات المدخلة.
2) الالتزام بإطلاع المالك على نموذج العقد الموحد الصادر عن بلدية مدينة الشارقة.
3) الالتزام بكافة متطلبات النظام الإماراتي للرقابة على المصاعد حال وجودها.
4) الالتزام بتسليم كافة الضمانات الأصلية الصادرة عن الموردين بخصوص المواد المستخدمة في المشروع للمالك.
5) ضمان أعمال العزل بأنواعه من خلال الإشراف والمتابعة.

أقر أنا مقدم المعاملة بصفتي (مكتب استشارات هندسية)  بمسؤوليتي الكاملة عن استيفاء الضوابط وفق ما تقدم وبتحملي كافة التبعات التي تقررها البلدية حال مخالفتها.
