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Utility connection certificate for dwelling units (electricity & water)
  • Service Description
    • Applying for the utility connection certificate (electricity & water) for dwelling units constructed by owner.
      In case of housing assistance, applying for the service is available only if assistance is provided by the Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme
  • Service Execution Steps
    • ​1. Obtaining all required documents as stated in the “final receipt application” form.
      2. Filling in the details required in the final receipt application” form, and getting it approved by the three parties: owner, consultant and contractor.
      3. Entering the required details.
      4. Paying the certificate fees and building numbering fees.
      5. Signing the undertaking with the requirements.
      6. Issuing a follow-up card by the e-system bearing the date of the visit.
      For help or inquiry, please call the Engineering Department on: 065160202

  • After Service Steps
    • ​- The municipality’s engineer contacts the Consultant to set an appointment.
      - After audit, the engineer delivers the certificate at the site, in case of approval.

  • Support Documents
      • Request Final Receipt
  • Terms & Conditions
    • Print

      - There is no outstanding violation on the plot.
      - The project belong to the user: consultant
      - Purpose of building: residential or agricultural
      - Completed building: dwelling units.
      - Building of dwelling unit by owner.
      - In case of housing assistance, applying for the service is available only for Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme.
      - Under-construction site after completing the following works:
      • Internal handrail
      • External doors
      • Final layer of the outer cladding
      • Initial layer of the internal painting
      - There is no previous transaction in process

      Documents required before e-transaction submission, and to be kept at the site:

      1) “Final receipt application” approved by the three parties: owner (signature), consultant and contractor (signature & stamp).
      2) Copy of the last approved plans (architectural, sanitary & structural).
      3) Copy of title deed if the plot is a property (new)
      4) Approval schedule of structural elements (casting schedule) – original
      5) No objection certificate from SEWA (original)
      6) Letter from the Municipal Council: if the approval of a party or more of the three parties on the final receipt application is absent (original).
      7) Letter from the Planning & Survey Directorate about the building numbering (original).
      8) Building completion certificate from the Sharjah Civil Defense Authority (Original)​​

Utility connection certificate for dwelling units (electricity & water) شهادة توصيل خدمات (كهرباء، مياه) للوحدات السكنية
Terms and Conditions الشروط والأحكام

- There is no outstanding violation on the plot.
- The project belong to the user: consultant
- Purpose of building: residential or agricultural
- Completed building: dwelling units.
- Building of dwelling unit by owner.
- In case of housing assistance, applying for the service is available only for Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme.
- Under-construction site after completing the following works:
• Internal handrail
• External doors
• Final layer of the outer cladding
• Initial layer of the internal painting
- There is no previous transaction in process

Documents required before e-transaction submission, and to be kept at the site:

1) “Final receipt application” approved by the three parties: owner (signature), consultant and contractor (signature & stamp).
2) Copy of the last approved plans (architectural, sanitary & structural).
3) Copy of title deed if the plot is a property (new)
4) Approval schedule of structural elements (casting schedule) – original
5) No objection certificate from SEWA (original)
6) Letter from the Municipal Council: if the approval of a party or more of the three parties on the final receipt application is absent (original).
7) Letter from the Planning & Survey Directorate about the building numbering (original).
8) Building completion certificate from the Sharjah Civil Defense Authority (Original)​​

- لا يوجد مخالفات على قطعة الارض.
- المشروع عائد للمستخدم : الاستشاري
- غرض البناء : سكني او زراعي.
- البناء المنجز: وحدات سكنية.
- بناء الوحدة السكنية بواسطة المالك.
- فى حال وجود مساعدة سكنية, يتم التقديم على الخدمة فقط فى حال المساعدة بواسطة برنامج الشيخ زايد للاسكان.
- موقع قيد الانشاء بعد الانتهاء من الأعمال التالية :
• الدرابزين الداخلي.
• الأبواب الخارجية.
• الطبقة النهائية للكساء الخارجي.
• الطبقة الأولية للصبغ الداخلي.
- لا  يوجد معاملة سابقة تحت الاجراء.

وثائق مطلوبة للحصول عليها قبل تقديم المعاملة الالكترونية و الاحتفاظ بها بالموقع لتقديمها عند اللزوم:

1) نموذج "طلب استلام نهائي"  معتمد من قبل الاطراف الثلاثة: توقيع من قبل المالك, توقيع و ختم من قبل الاستشاري و المقاول. (أصلي)
2) نسخة من آخر المخططات المعتمدة (معمارية – صحية - انشائية).
3) صورة من سند الملكية فى حال قطعة الارض ملك (حديثة).
4) جدول الموافقات للعناصر الانشائية (جدول الصب). (أصلي)
5) عدم ممانعة من ادارة الكهرباء (أصلي)
6) رسالة المجلس البلدي: فى حال لا يوجد اعتماد طرف او اكثر من الاطراف الثلاثة على طلب استلام نهائي. (أصلي)
7) رسالة دائرة التخطيط و المساحة بخصوص الترقيم العقاري. (أصلي)
8) شهادة استيفاء مبنى من هيئة الشارقة للدفاع المدني (أصلي)
