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Décor permit
  • Service Description
    • The décor contractor submits a request to obtain a permit for decoration of trading Shops and Sheds in industrial areas.
  • Service Execution Steps
    • ​- Obtaining all required documents as shown in the terms and Conditions.
      - Failing to provide any required documents, the tenant and contractor must agree to an undertaking as per the prescribed form.
      - Entering the required details.
      - Uploading the required documents as shown in the terms and Conditions.
      - Uploading a building plan approved by the contractor and tenant, including the existing and proposed divisions, mezzanine, chimney location and sewerage pipelines, and specifying the location of the leased premises.
      - Agreeing to the undertaking and requirements.
      - Paying the décor charges.
      - Issuing a reference card by the e-system.
      For more information about this request, please contact Engineering Department 065160 202

  • After Service Steps
    • ​• The contractor visits the inspection section’s counter and follows up within 10 working days. In case of violation, the transaction will be cancelled automatically by the e-system.
      • Submission of original documents required.
      • In case of approval of décor, the building fees, if any, and décor security deposit to be paid at the municipality’s cashier in cash.
      • An initial approval of the décor will be issued by the e-system and given to the contractor. Nobody may approach other government bodies according to the initial approval.
      - The contractor executes the décor works according to the initial approval of décor.
      - The final décor permit is issued along with the drawings after getting approved by the concerned authority, and uploaded to the e-system.
      - A municipality’s inspector calls the contractor to fix an appointment for the visit of the leased premises immediately after issuing the final permit.
      - In case of violation, the inspector serves the first notification at the site, and follows up with the tenant and contractor.

  • Support Documents
  • Terms & Conditions
    • Print

      - Contractor’s valid license.
      - No outstanding violations on Contractor’s license.
      - If contractor is in the 6th category, the contractor’s business should be within the businesses allowed to carry out décor works.
      - No outstanding violations on the plot.
      - Trade name or trade license.
      - Valid and ratified tenancy contract(s) of the leased premises.
      - If there are multiple numbers of tenancy contracts, the names of landlord and tenant must be the same in all contracts.
      - Obtaining all required documents.
      - Paying the fees and security deposit.
      - The total area of mezzanine after addition of proposed area to the violating area must be less than 50% of the shop area.
      - The total area of mezzanine after addition of proposed area to the violating area must be less than 70% of the shed area (industrial).
      - The proposed or violating width of the mezzanine must be less than 6 meters (for shops).
      - The proposed or violating width of the mezzanine must be less than 10 meters (for sheds).
      - The total area of mezzanine after addition of proposed area to the violating area must be less than 40 m2 (for shops).
      - 30% of the area of shop or industrial shed must be kept open without mezzanine in the entrance direction.
      - If any of the above-mentioned requirements is not implemented, the consultant must get the building plans approved by the building permit section, and submit the request for a décor permit only.
      - The plan submitted for approval (existing or proposed building) must be complied with all plans issued by other government bodies.
      Documents required before e-transaction submission, and to be kept at the site:
      - Copy of plot plan.
      - Copy of valid and ratified tenancy contract(s) of leased unit, bearing the name of and signed by landlord as stated in the plot plan and the name of tenant as stated in the trade name or trade license and signed by him. (Copy of power of attorney to be attached, if any).
      - Landlord’s original approval duly signed by him.
      - Plan approved by the Public Health Dept. (for public health-related activities: grocery – supermarket – restaurant – cafeteria – bakery – foodstuff trade or store – etc.)
      - No objection letter from Civil Defense.
      - No objection letter from Ministry of Health (for pharmacies, clinics, etc...).
      - No objection letter from Ministry of Education (for schools, institutions, etc...).
      - No objection letter from Environment Protection Section (for goldsmith-related activities).
      - No objection letter from Ministry of Social Affairs (for nursery-related activities).
      - Contractor and tenant must sign un undertaking to bring the following:
      • A plan approved by SEWA (for divisions and mezzanine in sheds).
      • No objection letter from the Natural Gas Department before starting works.
      • Fat trap installation certificate (for restaurants and cafeterias).
      - Agreement between the décor contractor and tenant signed by both parties and sealed by the contractor, and including their names, site location, décor works details, contract price in Dirhams.

Décor permit تصريح الديكور
Terms and Conditions الشروط والأحكام

- Contractor’s valid license.
- No outstanding violations on Contractor’s license.
- If contractor is in the 6th category, the contractor’s business should be within the businesses allowed to carry out décor works.
- No outstanding violations on the plot.
- Trade name or trade license.
- Valid and ratified tenancy contract(s) of the leased premises.
- If there are multiple numbers of tenancy contracts, the names of landlord and tenant must be the same in all contracts.
- Obtaining all required documents.
- Paying the fees and security deposit.
- The total area of mezzanine after addition of proposed area to the violating area must be less than 50% of the shop area.
- The total area of mezzanine after addition of proposed area to the violating area must be less than 70% of the shed area (industrial).
- The proposed or violating width of the mezzanine must be less than 6 meters (for shops).
- The proposed or violating width of the mezzanine must be less than 10 meters (for sheds).
- The total area of mezzanine after addition of proposed area to the violating area must be less than 40 m2 (for shops).
- 30% of the area of shop or industrial shed must be kept open without mezzanine in the entrance direction.
- If any of the above-mentioned requirements is not implemented, the consultant must get the building plans approved by the building permit section, and submit the request for a décor permit only.
- The plan submitted for approval (existing or proposed building) must be complied with all plans issued by other government bodies.
Documents required before e-transaction submission, and to be kept at the site:
- Copy of plot plan.
- Copy of valid and ratified tenancy contract(s) of leased unit, bearing the name of and signed by landlord as stated in the plot plan and the name of tenant as stated in the trade name or trade license and signed by him. (Copy of power of attorney to be attached, if any).
- Landlord’s original approval duly signed by him.
- Plan approved by the Public Health Dept. (for public health-related activities: grocery – supermarket – restaurant – cafeteria – bakery – foodstuff trade or store – etc.)
- No objection letter from Civil Defense.
- No objection letter from Ministry of Health (for pharmacies, clinics, etc...).
- No objection letter from Ministry of Education (for schools, institutions, etc...).
- No objection letter from Environment Protection Section (for goldsmith-related activities).
- No objection letter from Ministry of Social Affairs (for nursery-related activities).
- Contractor and tenant must sign un undertaking to bring the following:
• A plan approved by SEWA (for divisions and mezzanine in sheds).
• No objection letter from the Natural Gas Department before starting works.
• Fat trap installation certificate (for restaurants and cafeterias).
- Agreement between the décor contractor and tenant signed by both parties and sealed by the contractor, and including their names, site location, décor works details, contract price in Dirhams.

- رخصة المقاول سارية المفعول
- لا يوجد مخالفات على رخصة المقاول
- فى حال فئة المقاول سادسة, نشاط المقاول يندرج ضمن النشاطات المسموح بها لاعمال الديكور .
- لا يوجد مخالفات على قطعة الارض.
- وجود اسم تجاري او رخصة تجارية
- عقد ايجار او اكثر للعين المؤجرة مصدق ساري المفعول
- فى حال تعدد ارقام عقود الايجار, مطلوب تتطابق اسماء المؤجر و المستاجر.
- الحصول على جميع الوثائق المطلوبة
- سداد الرسوم و التامين
- مجموع مساحة الميزانين المقترحة و المخالفة اقل من 50 % من مساحة المحل التجاري
- مجموع مساحة الميزانين المقترحة و المخالفة اقل من 70 % من مساحة الشبرة "صناعي"
- عرض الميزانين المقترح او المخالف اقل من 6 متر فى حال المحل التجاري
- عرض الميزانين المقترح او المخالف اقل من 10 متر فى حال الشبرة "صناعي"
- مجموع مساحة الميزانين المقترحة و المخالفة اقل من 40 م2 فى حال المحل التجاري.
- نسبة 30 % من مساحة المحل التجاري او الشبرة الصناعي مفتوحة بدون تركيب ميزانين جهة الباب الرئيسى.
- فى حال عدم توفر الشروط الموضحة اعلاه, مطلوب اعتماد مخطط البناء عن طريق استشارى من قسم تراخيص البناء, ثم تقديم المعاملة لاصدار تصريح الديكور فقط.
- المخطط المقدم لاعتماده للعين المؤجرة (بناء مقترح او قائم)  مطابق لجميع  المخططات المطلوبة الصادرة من الجهات الحكومية الاخرى.
وثائق مطلوبة للحصول عليها قبل تقديم المعاملة الالكترونية:
- صورة خارطة الارض.
- صورة عقد ايجار  او اكثر للعين المؤجرة مصدق ساري المفعول يحمل اسم مالك العقار مطابق لخارطة الارض و توقيعه و اسم المستاجر مطابق للاسم التجاري او الرخصة التجارية و توقيعه. (ارفاق صورة التوكيل ان وجد)
- موافقة المالك أصلية عليها توقيع المالك مطابق لتوقيعه على عقد الايجار.
- مخطط معتمد من قسم الصحة العامة (فى حال الانشطة المتعلقة بالصحة العامة: بقالة  - سوبرماركت – مطعم – كافتيريا – مخبز – تجارة او مخزن مواد غذائية - ...)
- موافقة ادارة الدفاع المدنى.
- موافقة وزراة الصحة العامة (فى حال صيدلية – عيادة ...)
- موافقة وزراة التربية (فى حال مدرسة – معهد ...)
- موافقة قسم حماية البيئة (فى حال نشاط يتعلق بصياغة الذهب)
- موافقة وزارة الشؤون الاجتماعية (فى حال نشاط يتعلق بالحضانات).
- تعهد من المقاول و المستاجر باحضار:
• مخطط معتمد من من ادارة الكهرباء (فى حال التقسيمات و الميزانين بالشبرات)
• عدم ممانعة من ادارة الغاز الطبيعي قبل بدأ العمل
• شهادة تركيب مصيدة الشحوم (المطاعم - الكافتيريا)
- اتفاقية مقاول الديكور مع المستاجر تتضمن اسماء الطرفين + عنوان الموقع + تفاصيل الديكور + قيمة المقاولة بالدرهم الاماراتي, عليها توقيع الطرفين اصلي و ختم المقاول اصلي.​
