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  • Sharjah Municipality Launches Online Sewerage Information Request Service
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  • l Dhaid Municipality to Introduce Paid Public Parking from January 1, 2025, in Collaboration with Sharjah Municipality
  • SCM Explores Latest Advances in Animal Disease Studies and Technologies at Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Conference
  • Sharjah Municipality Awarded National Standard Certificate for Business Continuity Management System
  • Sharjah Municipality Launches the First-of-its-Kind Smart Testing System in the UAE at GITEX
  • Sharjah Municipality Announces Extension of Paid Parking Hours to Midnight in Certain Areas
  • Sharjah Municipality Wins Best Project Award at Sharjah Government Pavilion in GITEX
  • Sharjah Municipality Launches Two Key Projects to Provide Irrigation Water for Agricultural Initiatives


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Structural Audit Request
  • Service Description
    • Submission of structural audit request for a site under construction by the project contractor, for free during Official duty, and for a fee during public holidays.
  • Service Execution Steps
    • - Obtaining all documents required as listed in the structural audit request form (building control operation).
      - Filling out the structural audit request form with all required details (building control operation) and getting it signed and sealed by both contractor and consultant.
      - Entering required details.
      - Signing the undertaking to meet all requirements.
      - The e-system issues a reference card bearing the visit time and date.
      For help and enquiries, please contact the engineering department on: 065160202​
  • After Service Steps
    • ​- The municipality’s engineer calls the contractor to set an appointment.
      - After audit, the engineer delivers the report (municipality’s approval of casting schedule) at the site, if approved.​
  • Support Documents
      • التدقيق الإنشائي لقواعد السور وسند جوانب الحفر
  • Terms & Conditions
    • Print


      - Valid contractor license
      - Valid consultant license
      - No violations on the contractor's license
      - No violations on the consultant's license
      - No violations on the land plot
      - Use of green concrete (for all structural elements of housing projects & for structural elements of industrial projects up to Tie Beam level)
      - Project belongs to the user: contractor
      - Project under construction (NOC not issued for the project number)
      - Project status: existing or preliminary only
      - No expiration of one year from the last issuance date of a building permit, or the last structural audit date regarding the "residential" use, and six months for other types.
      - At least one valid card from the cards of the two engineers registered on the project
      - Card status: existing, preliminary, or exempt only
      - No previous pending transactions
      - No previous unapproved structural audits

      Documents required before submitting service request online and to be kept on site for review, when required:
      - Structural Audit Request Form (Building Control Process) signed and stamped by the consultant and contractor
      - Concrete pouring schedule
      - Copy of plot plan, along with land demarcation
      - Copy of building permit 
      - Municipality cards for engineers registered on the project
      - Tower crane permit, if available
      - Copy of temporary fence permit 
      - Soil and pile inspection reports
      - Approval of concrete mix design by Sharjah Municipality Laboratory: Reinforcement steel tests & cube tests including type of concrete used (i.e. ordinary reinforced concrete & green reinforced concrete)
      - Brick tests
      We undertake to comply with the specified regulations and furnish required documents upon request.
Structural Audit Request طلب تدقيق انشائي
Terms and Conditions الشروط والأحكام


- Valid contractor license
- Valid consultant license
- No violations on the contractor's license
- No violations on the consultant's license
- No violations on the land plot
- Use of green concrete (for all structural elements of housing projects & for structural elements of industrial projects up to Tie Beam level)
- Project belongs to the user: contractor
- Project under construction (NOC not issued for the project number)
- Project status: existing or preliminary only
- No expiration of one year from the last issuance date of a building permit, or the last structural audit date regarding the "residential" use, and six months for other types.
- At least one valid card from the cards of the two engineers registered on the project
- Card status: existing, preliminary, or exempt only
- No previous pending transactions
- No previous unapproved structural audits

Documents required before submitting service request online and to be kept on site for review, when required:
- Structural Audit Request Form (Building Control Process) signed and stamped by the consultant and contractor
- Concrete pouring schedule
- Copy of plot plan, along with land demarcation
- Copy of building permit 
- Municipality cards for engineers registered on the project
- Tower crane permit, if available
- Copy of temporary fence permit 
- Soil and pile inspection reports
- Approval of concrete mix design by Sharjah Municipality Laboratory: Reinforcement steel tests & cube tests including type of concrete used (i.e. ordinary reinforced concrete & green reinforced concrete)
- Brick tests
We undertake to comply with the specified regulations and furnish required documents upon request.

- رخصة المقاول سارية المفعول
- رخصة الاستشاري سارية المفعول
- لا يوجد مخالفات على رخصة المقاول 
- لا يوجد مخالفات على رخصة الاستشاري
- لا يوجد مخالفات على قطعة الأرض
- استخدام الخرسانة الخضراء (لجميع العناصر الإنشائية لمشروعات الإسكان – المشروعات الصناعية للعناصر الإنشائية حسب منسوب الجسور الأرضية)
- المشروع عائد للمستخدم: المقاول
- موقع قيد الإنشاء (لم تصدر شهادة إنجاز على رقم المشروع)
- حالة المشروع: قائم أو مبدئي فقط
- عدم فوات مدة سنة على آخر تاريخ إصدار إجازة بناء، أو آخر تاريخ تدقيق إنشائي بخصوص استعمال البناء "سكني "، وستة أشهر للأنواع الأخرى
- بطاقة واحدة صالحة على الأقل من بطاقتي المهندسين المسجلين على المشروع
- حالة البطاقة: قائم أو مبدئي أو معفي فقط 
- عدم وجود معاملة سابقة تحت الإجراء
- عدم وجود تدقيق إنشائي سابق غير معتمد

وثائق مطلوبة للحصول عليها قبل تقديم المعاملة الإلكترونية والاحتفاظ بها بالموقع لتقديمها عند اللزوم:
- نموذج طلب تدقيق إنشائي (عملية الرقابة على المباني) يحمل توقيع وختم الاستشاري والمقاول
- جدول الصب
- صورة خارطة الأرض مع تسليم العلائم
- صورة إجازة البناء
- بطاقات البلدية للمهندسين المسجلين على المشروع 
- تصريح الرافعات البرجية في حال وجودها
- صورة التصريح للسور المؤقت
- تقارير فحص التربة والخوازيق 
- اعتماد تصميم الخلطة الخرسانية من مختبر بلدية الشارقة: اختبارات حديد التسليح المستخدم – اختبار المكعبات متضمنة نوع الخرسانة المستخدمة (خرسانة مسلحة عادية – خرسانة مسلحة خضراء)
- اختبار الطابوق​
نتعهد بالالتزام بالاشتراطات المذكورة وتقديم المستندات المطلوبة عند الطلب.
